USDOT clarifies marijuana testing should remain intact

Excerpted from an American Trucking Association Blog During a House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing on June 27, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg confirmed that his agency […]
Is an employer justified in terminating an employee for inappropriate social media posts?

Excerpted from a Troutman Pepper Blog by Sean Craig Can a private employer terminate an employee for social media posts that violate internal policies? The Third Circuit, in a nonprecedential […]
Workplace investigations: Why get a written report

Excerpted from a Levy Employment Law LLC Blog by Tracey Levy One of the thorny questions that eventually arises in workplace investigations is how to memorialize the findings. Is it […]
Well, that escalated quickly: Judge rules Florida’s “Stop WOKE” Act unconstitutional

Excerpted from a Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP Blog by Whitney Jackson and J. William Manuel Is the “Stop WOKE” Act dead in Florida? Not yet, but in, Inc., […]