National landlords’ screening process inspires lawsuit

Excerpted from an NBC News article by Gretchen Morgenson Two large private-equity-backed landlords discriminated against prospective tenants by relying on screening systems reporting inaccurate information about applicants’ previous evictions and […]
Story of dead KS official shows why background checks matter

Excerpted from a Kansas City Star Editorial by Joel Mathis Good intentions can sometimes meet harsh realities. No one can doubt that then-Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer, a Republican, had the […]
Be careful when it comes to workplace language

There was a time when the term “Cat Woman” referred to a specific character in the Batman comic books or films. Not so much today, especially after it was revealed […]
Worker fired after 2 positive drug tests: Was this OK?

Excerpted from an HR Morning Blog by Carol Warner Evolving cannabis legislation makes employee drug testing trickier than ever. But if an employee fails two drug tests in a row, […]