We verify the past to protect your future – GP1’s background screening!
Yes, we know. For a company named GroupOne Background Screening, you think it would be obvious what we offer – background screening. In fact, we offer a comprehensive set of […]
Opioid crisis adds issues with Child Protective Services
Excerpted from The Journal By Steven Allen Adams The agency charged with investigating abuse and neglect cases involving children is having issues keeping up with increased caseloads as the opioid […]
DPS worker issued 5,817 licenses without background checks
Excerpted from 13Whotv.com By Kelly Maricle A special investigation by the State Auditor’s Office has determined a former employee of the Iowa Department of Public Safety issued more than 5,000 […]
Pilot accused of three murders had prior criminal record
Excerpted from CBS News By Kris Van Cleave The airline pilot accused in three Kentucky murders served in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve for 20 years and had been […]