“Reasonable reader” standard determines credit reports were not inaccurate under FCRA

Excerpted from a JD Supra Blog by Danile McKenna and Joel Tasca The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled that in determining whether a credit report […]
Just why do pre-employment background checks exist?

How can you be absolutely certain your potential hire is honest and trustworthy? At the very least, how can you determine the applicant is the person they say they are? […]
FTC approves changes to FCRA rules; clarifies application to motor vehicle dealers

Excerpted from a JDSUPRA post. On September 8, the FTC approved final revisions that would bring several rules implementing parts of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in line with […]
Why you screen candidates – woman embezzles for third time for take of $1.35m

If you can save your company $1 million, you’re going to take advantage of that opportunity, right? Here at GroupOne Background Screening, we can offer you one solution – vigorously […]