Background check plan helps 27 states with long-term care

Excerpted from a McKnights Senior Living Blog by Kimberly Bonvissuto A national background check program was so successful in helping states develop or enhance systems for conducting background checks of […]
Florida legislation increases healthcare background checks

Excerpted from a Holland and Knight Blog by Mia L. McKown and Eddie Williams, III House Bill 975, if signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, will have a significant impact on […]
HR Surveys are here! Participation to begin next week

February is survey time at GroupOne Background Screening, with three annual HR surveys conducted from February 1-29. The annual Pay Practices Survey and Benefit Practices Survey provide valuable benchmarking data […]
VA accidently hires workers with drug convictions

Excerpted from a Stars and Stripes article by Linda F. Hersey A breakdown in background checks has enabled applicants with criminal drug histories to gain jobs as health care workers […]