Pre-Employment Checks 101 – All you need to know!

It’s a good question. Simply put, “Are you hiring the right candidates?” Here at GroupOne Background Screening, we like to consider ourselves your defense system when hiring a quality workforce. […]
Transparency in Politics – candidate background checks

You would think every person running for office would have a background check, right? Well, not so fast there buckaroo. According to Jody Baden, the founder of Transparency in Politics, […]
Does “everything” come up in a background check?

When we’re asked what comes up in a background check, our standard answer here at GroupOne is, “Everything!” Of course, we then follow that statement with a laugh. Granted, not […]
What goes into a pre-employment background check?

Excerpted from a Forbes Article by Ginny Hogan Great news—you’ve landed the job! Or at least, someone wants to hire you. Just one teensy tiny thing. They’re going to do […]