We verify the past to protect your future – GP1’s background screening!

Yes, we know. For a company named GroupOne Background Screening, you think it would be obvious what we offer – background screening. In fact, we offer a comprehensive set of […]
VLOG – David Graves talks about Adding New Services!

Still working from home due to COVID-19, GroupOne Background Screening sales associate and HR guru David Graves posted a continuation of his video series today to discuss the details about […]
Does your kid’s camp do background checks on counselors?

Excerpted from azcentral.com By Lauren Castle In Arizona, child-care centers and many day camps must do criminal background checks on staff. But there is no such requirement for overnight camps. […]
Background check leads to 1998 Delray Beach murder arrest

Excerpted from Fox News By Katherine Lam A Florida man scored a new job in January, but he ended up behind bars two months later in connection with a 1998 […]