Story of dead KS official shows why background checks matter

Excerpted from a Kansas City Star Editorial by Joel Mathis Good intentions can sometimes meet harsh realities. No one can doubt that then-Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer, a Republican, had the […]
New bill bans convictions as grounds to deny barber license

Excerpted from a Florida Politics Blog by Anne Geggis A Senate panel has approved a bill that would allow an aspiring barber or cosmetologist to be cut loose from a […]
Should I tell a job recruiter about a prior felony before being asked?

Excerpted from a USA Today Column by Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. Question: I was convicted of a felony nine years ago related to something I did when drunk. Since then, […]
“Clean Slate” laws are taking hold: Colorado joins list

Excerpted from an HR Morning Blog by Tom D’Agostino Colorado has joined a growing list of states that have passed what are known as “Clean Slate” laws, lending momentum to […]