Did you like the Super Bowl halftime show? Varied reactions underscore generational differences in the workforce
Excerpted from a Mondaq blog by Marilyn G. Moran The Super Bowl halftime show was viewed by over 29 million households and featured a lineup of 90’s hip-hop royalty, including […]
Employee social media complaints: Employers beware!
Excerpted from a Barnes and Thornburg LLP blog by Thomas C. Payne The National Labor Relations Board’s new general counsel, the top prosecutor who oversees all offices, signaled an intention […]
‘Tis the season for layoffs – maybe the message should have been delivered differently?
‘Tis the season for layoffs? Here at GroupOne Background Screening, we certainly hope not. You’ve probably heard this story, but according to several national news sources, the CEO of the […]
Scammers using fake job ads to steal people’s identities
Excerpted from a ProPublica blog by Cezary Podkul It has become a ubiquitous internet ad, with versions popping up everywhere from Facebook and LinkedIn to smaller sites like Jobvertise: Airport […]