Why employers can’t let guards down when hiring holiday workers

Excerpted from a Forbes article by Alonzo Martinez As we dash into the lucrative holiday shopping season, employers are scrambling to hire temporary workers to extend their ranks. And, by […]
On the road – GroupOne hosting booth at Coastal Bend SHRM event

GroupOne Background Screening is headed to the Gulf Coast for the Coastal Bend SHRM Conference and Labor Law Symposium, September 26-27 at the Radisson Inn – North Beach in Corpus […]
On the road – GroupOne hosting booth at West Texas HR event

GroupOne Background Screening is headed west to the West Texas HR Symposium, August 22-23 at the Overton Hotel and Conference Center in Lubbock, Texas. The event will be a great […]
On the road – GroupOne hosting booths in Houston and Austin

GroupOne Background Screening is headed to two separate locations today in the Lone Star State. First stop is Houston for the Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues, May 15-17 at […]