EEOC (again) updates religious accommodation and vaccine mandate guidance

Excerpted from a Minta Blog by Corbin Carter and Danielle M. Bereznay The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has once again updated its guidance and answers regarding the ongoing […]
Did you like the Super Bowl halftime show? Varied reactions underscore generational differences in the workforce

Excerpted from a Mondaq blog by Marilyn G. Moran The Super Bowl halftime show was viewed by over 29 million households and featured a lineup of 90’s hip-hop royalty, including […]
Top 5 reasons people are quitting during the “Great Resignation”

Excerpted from an INC. post by Jessica Stillman There have been endless think pieces written about what exactly is driving the “Great Resignation.” Is it people leaving to start their […]
Who will win the remote work game of chicken?

Excerpted from an HR Dive blog by Emilie Shumway As the pandemic drags on, one thing has become clear: most employees really, really like working from home. Dozens of surveys […]