Three steps to hiring remotely with confidence

Excerpted from a Forbes article by Taylor Liggett Like remote work, remote hiring is becoming commonplace. Given the competitive hiring landscape, that’s good news for employers. Talent pools open up […]
I’m headed to Luckenbach! California to consider adoption of four-day workweek

We read last week about a new bill being proposed by California Assembly members Cristina Garcia and Evan Low to make the state’s official workweek 32 hours for companies with […]
GroupOne is your one-stop station for ATS Integration!
Did you know GroupOne Background Screening is a one-stop station for ATS Integration? Our platform integrates with more than 70% of the applicant tracking systems (ATS) in use today. With […]
7 work trends you should be paying attention to

Excerpted from The SHRM Blog by Caroline Stokes Work trends come and go, but some have staying power. I have noticed seven trends that companies looking to scale and stay […]