National landlords’ screening process inspires lawsuit

Excerpted from an NBC News article by Gretchen Morgenson Two large private-equity-backed landlords discriminated against prospective tenants by relying on screening systems reporting inaccurate information about applicants’ previous evictions and […]
To avoid background check, man claims he’s undercover cop

We ran across an interesting case in Florida where a man claimed to be an undercover police officer to avoid a background check. The man was arrested last week by […]
Lack of background checks leads to expensive lawsuit

Better safe than sorry, as we say here at GroupOne Background Screening. Earlier this month it was announced a major rideshare company is facing a class action lawsuit due to hundreds […]
Cat adopted, then abused – some call for background checks

Excerpted from a Palm Beach Daily News story by Kristina Webb The black-and-white cat shivered as it walked slowly along the Midtown Beach seawall. Mary Adam de Villiers couldn’t believe […]