Background check plan helps 27 states with long-term care

Excerpted from a McKnights Senior Living Blog by Kimberly Bonvissuto A national background check program was so successful in helping states develop or enhance systems for conducting background checks of […]
VA accidently hires workers with drug convictions

Excerpted from a Stars and Stripes article by Linda F. Hersey A breakdown in background checks has enabled applicants with criminal drug histories to gain jobs as health care workers […]
Montana state hospital worker bypassed background check by using different name

Excerpted from an article in The Independent by Seaborn Larson A former employee at the Montana state-run psychiatric hospital used a different name on her job application, meaning a background […]
Recruiting and retention amidst marijuana legalization – clear as mud?

A leading drug-testing provider recently reported that positive drug tests were up 30% in 2021. That’s quite a spike! This increase has been attributed to the loosening restrictions on marijuana […]