The future of Hybrid Working: Full steam ahead?

Excerpted from a Seyfarth Shaw LLP Blog by Paul Whinder and Verity Musselwhite Steel As various restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic have lifted across the world, many […]
Managers declare WFH is over, as 77% say they’d fire or cut pay for not coming back to office

Excerpted from a Fortune article by Megan Leonhardt Working from home. It was fun while it lasted? About three out of five managers believe that remote work is on the […]
EEOC (again) updates religious accommodation and vaccine mandate guidance

Excerpted from a Minta Blog by Corbin Carter and Danielle M. Bereznay The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has once again updated its guidance and answers regarding the ongoing […]
Tips to help employees transition back to the physical workplace
Excerpted from The SHRM Blog by By Indie B. Bollman, MBA, SHRM-SCP, SPHR At some point in the hopefully not too distant future, employees will start returning to work in […]