New York state of mind – What legalized weed means for employers

Excerpted from a Forbes article by Alonzo Martinez After years of debating and advancing marijuana laws, beginning with legalizing the medical use of cannabis in 2014 to decriminalize minor marijuana-related […]
The surprising key to combatting vaccine refusal

Excerpted from an article in The Atlantic by Derek Thompson Why wouldn’t someone want a COVID-19 vaccine? Staring at the raw numbers, it doesn’t seem like a hard choice. Thousands […]
US election 2020: Tips on how to vote safely

Excerpted from Medical News Today by Maria Cohut, Ph.D. With the United States presidential election fast approaching and the world still in the midst of a pandemic, it is important […]
Trick Or Treat: COVID-19 Changes Halloween Hours, Adds Restrictions

Excerpted The Post-Journal Jamestown officials are encouraging parents not to trick-or-treat this year and chose not to set hours or hold any city-sanctioned events on Saturday. Those who want to […]