Excerpted from The SHRM Blog by Brett Farmiloe

All too often employees have questions that never get answered.

To help managers be more proactive in seeking out employee questions, we asked employees and human resources professionals about the one question they want to ask their manager – but don’t.

Here are seven things employees want to know from their managers.

What do I struggle with the most?
What can I be doing to get a performance bonus?
How are you doing?
How did I interview?
How can I move up?
How can I get a raise?
Where is our company headed?

What do I struggle with the most?

My manager is my biggest cheerleader, and someone I truly love to work for. There really isn’t anything we don’t discuss in the open, but if there was anything I would want to know, it’s what things they think I struggle at the most.

Zack McCarty, Qwick

What can I be doing to get a performance bonus?

No one ever wants to talk about money. As a recruiting company, salary makes up a huge part of the recruiting and negotiation process, yet no one seems to ask about it. People that have been at the same company for over a decade struggle to ask their managers for bonuses or raises, even if they deserve it. Don’t be afraid to ask when you are expected to get your next raise or what you can be doing to ensure you get a performance bonus.

Ryan Nouis, TruPath
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