Excerpted from The SHRM Blog by Dr. David Parker

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of our lives. An unforeseen consequence that the pandemic has revealed is disparities regarding inclusion and belonging. As businesses explore options with regard to reopening, leaders are challenged with creating a workplace environment, be that virtual or face-to-face, that is authentically-based upon principles of belonging and inclusion.

A common thread in several online discussions that I facilitate has been a concern that the stress of rebuilding the business will overshadow gains in the workplace culture regarding inclusion. An outcome of these discussions is that intentional and consistent attention should be directed to these three (3) areas in the rebuilding process: 1) Revisit mission statement, 2) Review existing policies, and 3) Assess continuous improvement cycles.

Revisit Mission Statement

Mission statements are a representation of the beliefs and values…the why we do what we do statement. Examine your mission statement and ask yourself what are the responsibilities (behaviors) of each person connected with the business that make the mission visible?

Also, does everyone know how they have a role in carrying out the mission? I have been amazed at the number of times I have talked with employees who have “no idea” of the mission of their place of employment.

How is the mission expectations shared with new employees? When there is a disconnect between the stated mission and behavior, this can result in a work environment with reduced trust, confusion, and limited effort of employees.
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