Blog by Danny Davila, LPI, RACR, FCRA Basic Certification, Executive Director, GroupOne

Readings, life experiences, highly successful projects and our failures must teach us something about our habits and behaviors. Do we as leaders, producers, job creators, role definers become less efficient as we apply more hours to our tasks? I sometimes evaluate and marvel at the plateau of work hours produced in my 30’s, then realize that it’s the same number of hours that I spend on my role currently. So why haven’t I changed my behavior? Is this a reflection of my lack of managing priorities and tasks; or our need as high producers to rev our engines and work at breakneck speed to finish one task and or project, and then move to the next item? Are we constantly wanting that acknowledgement of our “effort?” I realize that the effort is not as rewarding as the outcome.

The workplace environment has increased its stimuli gradually over the years, from a solemn, focused, time oriented capsule to a wide-spread, energetic, kinetic movement of communication, debate, negotiation and consensus. Does an employee continue to see the office as the stage to grow a craft, skill or talent, or is it simply a place to occupy time and space before you go to the next role? We are provided limited opportunities to prove ourselves to our clients, co-workers, supervisors and the person who has yet to decide whether he or she will hire us; yet we sometimes don’t realize this opportunity.

I’ve shared this principle and thought with those colleagues who were thoughtful to ask, and to those I presently happen to manage. Of the 600 minutes allotted per day to produce and deliver, how much of the time contributes to the successful outcome? With the advent of ROI measurements, I’m sure the actual production of work can be measured, however there is a time that we endlessly spend giving second thoughts to a strategy, tactic or modify a presentation to ensure it’s just right that is not captured in a ROI calculation.

I’m convinced the successful employee is the one who can balance the finesse of holding concentrated discussions with key resources, and yet maximizes their time to produce an outcome that produces revenue, productive outcomes and ensures client satisfaction. However, we should always strive to find that right combination that works for you. As we have learned, it’s our individual differences and values that contribute to a successful workplace. We must understand and respect the worker who can place the hours and time, and the worker who is the smartest and most efficient with the same appreciation.

As a contemporary workplace leader, it is relevant and productive to encourage diversity in how we manage our resources and time, however, ensure that the outcomes satisfy our clients. Yes, the work must get done, but let’s encourage each other to explore methods and practices that maximize our workers’ energy, production and contribution to the needs of our clients and improved revenues. The next time we observe our workforce, examine the various approaches taken by each one in managing their productivity and outcomes, value and guide our colleagues and associates to continue to find ways to make the most of the time provided to us to find our solutions.