Excerpted from, by WECT Staff

Wilmington City Council unanimously approved an ordinance in favor of fair hiring practices at its meeting Tuesday night.

Known as the Ban the Box resolution, it ensures people with criminal arrest or conviction records will not be unduly denied or discouraged from being employed by the city by removing the criminal conviction question from initial job applications.

Supporting documents for the resolution state that candidates for employment will not be asked about their criminal history, nor have a criminal background check conducted until a decision has been made to offer the candidate employment.

You can read the full post here.

Excerpted from, by Sherman Smith

Gov. Jeff Colyer on Wednesday signed an executive order banning state agencies from asking job-seekers about their criminal history during the initial phase of the hiring process.

Commonly referred to as a “ban the box” initiative, because it eliminates the question from the job application form, Colyer’s order gives agencies 90 days to update their practices.

Surrounded by Republican and Democratic lawmakers, the governor said those with criminal convictions deserve an opportunity to explain what happened before they are automatically disqualified for a position. He said offenders who are able to find gainful employment lead better lives and become full members of the community.

“The true character of any Kansan is measured by how we respond to adversity, and the work that they put in to make their lives better, and the lives around them,” Colyer said. “I think that is a great opportunity and a lesson for all of us.”

Colyer praised businesses like Walmart, Home Depot and Koch Industries, as well as cities like Topeka, who already have adopted “ban the box” policies.

You can read the full story here.