Excerpted from an SHRM blog by Jenni Stone

Need some tips for writing a great online job board advertisement?

Before you begin writing your company’s recruitment advertisement, first consider how much money is available for recruitment and the timeframe in which the position needs to be filled. Based on this information, you then can determine the most appropriate media and availability with regards to cost and deadlines. Online job board advertisements allow more room for copy, contrary to print advertising which typically charges advertisers for each and every line of copy.

If you plan on placing more than one ad, or will have several openings, developing a brand and consistency in the ads will deliver a good impression to the candidates. Logos, pictures and colors generate greater interest. You want to draw people to your ad and sometimes by simply bolding the position title, more people will be attracted.

Here is a recommended outline with tips for online recruitment advertising:

1. Title of position: Be sure the title is clear and concise and REAL. Not everyone knows what a Software Developer II is, avoid using terms like “Ninja” and “Rockstar.” If your job title differs than the norm, perhaps consider using an alternate job title that clearly explains the role. Often online recruitment ads will only list the job title; make sure yours stands out amongst the other listings.

2. Job Summary: Online job boards will show a brief job summary, generally the title and one or two sentences, from which interested applicants can click through to see the full posting. This job summary is the most important part of your ad. If it doesn’t grab attention and compel the reader to click through to your full ad, then you could be missing out on some great candidates. Your job title should be clear, and the first couple sentences of your posting should grab the reader’s attention.

3. Company: What does your company do, where it is located, what industry are you in? Make the overview compelling.

4. The Job Description: Include main functions of the role, key skills, previous experience desired, relevant qualifications, and bullet point the position’s key tasks.

5. Core Competencies: Which personal attributes are required to be effective in the role i.e. innovation, motivation, organization. Describe what the successful candidate will be like. Talk about team fit and the culture of your organization.

6. Prospects & Job Benefits: What does your company have to offer? Is there career progression, privileges, benefits, vacation time, etc.?

7. Contact: Recruiter’s name, phone number and email address – Make sure they know what times you’re available too!

8. Specific Requirements: If you have specific requirements such as minimum education or experience, be sure and list these clearly in your ad copy.